Social House

1663 Howell Mill Rd NW
Atlanta , Georgia  30318

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Social House, Atlanta

Here is the business contact information for Social House which you will find at 1663 Howell Mill Rd NW in Atlanta. Did you try to visit Social House at 1663 Howell Mill Rd NW but were unable? Please click the "SEND" button below to let us know. There are other businesses similar to Social House located in the Fine Dining category. You can find them by clicking the Fine Dining link above. Are you familiar with Social House located at 1663 Howell Mill Rd NW? If so why not share your experiences by writing a review? To visit Social House in their location at 1663 Howell Mill Rd NW be sure to click the "view larger map" link below and print out a map with their address.


Fine Dining