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Movies Atl
3760 Princeton Lakes Pkwy SW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30331
(404) 629-2524
Theaters Atlanta - Find Atlanta Theaters businesses and services here
Atlanta, Georgia,
Starlight Six Drive In & Flea Market
2000 Moreland Ave SE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30316
(404) 627-5786
United Artists Tara Cinema
2345 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30324
(404) 634-6288
Atlanta Lyric Theatre
763 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30308
(404) 817-7742
Regal Cinemas Atlantic Station Stadium 16 Theatre
261 19th St NW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30363
(404) 347-9889
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
1280 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
(404) 733-5929
Alliance Theatre - Box Office
1280 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
(404) 733-5000
Dad's Garage Theatre Co Box Office
280 Elizabeth St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30307
(404) 523-2144
Plaza Theatre
1049 Ponce de Leon Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30306
(404) 873-1939
Buford Highway Cinema
5805 Buford Hwy NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30340
(770) 458-5234
Fox Theatre
660 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30308
(404) 881-2100
Village Theatre
486 Decatur St SE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30312
(404) 688-8858
Garden Hills Cinema
2835 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30305
(404) 266-2202
Movies Atl
3760 Princeton Lakes Pkwy SW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30331
(404) 629-2524
Seven Stages Inc
1105 Euclid Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30307
(404) 522-0913
Earthlink Live
1374 W Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
(404) 815-9648
Not Merely Players
173 14th St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
(404) 872-8940
Atlanta Concerts Chastain Tickets
359 E Paces Ferry Rd NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30305
(404) 233-8889
Atlanta Shakespeare Company
499 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia, 30308
(404) 874-9219
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